5 layers of being
“Spiritual realization is the aim that exists in each on of us to seek our divine core. That core, though never absent from anyone remains latent within us. It is not an outward quest for the Holy Grail that lies beyond, but an Inward Journey to allow the inner core to reveal itself.” -BKS Iyengar
One of my favorite models for understanding the human experience is the Pancha Koshas (5 sheaths) from the Taittirīya Upaniṣad (an ancient Hindu text). Each Kosha is a layer of consciousness that begins from gross to subtle and extends outward from the body as well as inward. I first learned the Koshas in a lecture by one of my greatest teachers, Heather Anastos, in my 200-hour yoga teacher training with Rasayana Yoga.
The 5 koshas from dense to subtle are:
Annamaya kosha—Physical Layer: PHYSICAL (or “food”) body, including muscles, bones, connective tissue, organs, fat, and skin.
Pranamaya kosha—Energetic Layer: Subtle body energy or VITALITY - breath and prana (life force energy)
Manomaya kosha—Mental/Emotional Layer: Conscious MIND - thoughts and emotions
Vijnanamaya kosha—Intuitive/Wisdom Layer: INTUITION and wisdom - the ability to connect to higher knowing
Anandamaya kosha—Bliss Layer: BLISS - Quiet place of peace, love, joy, and oneness at the center of your being. This is your true Self.
When working with you (as well as myself) I assess what is going on for you on each level and develop a plan from there. For example:
What/how are you eating? We are what we eat. How can we work with what you are eating to best serve you? Also what is your physical state and current practice? Here we develop an exercise and asana practice.
Breath is life. What is the quality of your normal inhalation and exhalation? First we bring awareness then we develop a unique pranayama (breathing) practice to fit your needs. Prana isn’t just breath - it is the essence of life itself. This life permeates every cell.
Sit still and become aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions of your senses. Meditation is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind. Take a moment here to notice how breath truly is the link between body and mind. Most of us operate on these first three layers. Once these layers have been addressed, the next two layers are revealed.
Once the mind is tamed, space for intuition is created. This is the knowledge of your higher Self.
Finally you might drop into bliss and your true Self underneath it all - a feeling of coming home, expansiveness, oneness. No words can quite explain this layer, but you know when you are here,
The goal of yoga is union with the One (translation of the Sanskrit word yoga is “union”) - to achieve the state of Samadhi and abide in that state as pure awareness, self-realization, and an absolute fullness of being.