Asteya - non-stealing

Asteya means non-stealing or non-coveting in Sanskrit. In the Yoga sutras of Pantanjali, the eight limbs of yoga are described. The first limb is yama, or moral discipline. The third yama is Asteya.

BKS Iyengar’s translation of the yoga sutra on asteya (II.37) reads: “When abstention from stealing is firmly established, precious jewels come.”

Here are some examples of stealing:

Stealing from yourself:

  • Living in constant anxiety takes away from the enjoyment of living in the present moment

  • Taking away your health from yourself and people who love you by eating not healthily


  • Taking away others’ peace if you are in a bad mood and you take it out on someone

  • Being late, stealing another’s time

  • Stealing others ideas. I recognize that this is not my information, I am giving you known ancient wisdom and borrowing techniques from other teachers.


  • Stealing from the earth, using plastic which will not disintegrate for 100 years

  • Overusing water and other resources

In this week’s asana practice, we balance the front and back of the body to create centeredness. When we are out of balance we tend to reach out and steal from external resources. When there is balance that originates from within, we feel that we have enough and there is no need to steal. Harmony comes from a sense of balanced giving and receiving.


Tools for a tight pelvic floor!


Satya - truthfulness